Course Schedule

View this week's LIVE classes & mark your calendar!


10:00 AM - Judaism at Home with Rabbi Cheski Edelman

5:00 PM - Tanya Treasures (Hebrew) with Rabbi Michoel Feinstein

6:00 PM - Sicha for Beginners (Hebrew) with Rabbi Michoel Feinstein


11:00 AM - Halacha for Women with Mrs. Dinie Rapoport

12:00 PM - Beyond Never Again with Rabbi Cheski Edelman

1:00 PM - Tanya for Women with Mrs. Faigy Matusof

5:00 PM - Weekly Prophecy - Haftorah Insights and Explanations with Rabbi Michoel Feinstein

7:00 PM - Text-Based Sicha for Women with Mrs. Dinie Rapoport

7:00 PM - Shaar Hayichud with Rabbi Mendel Matusof

7:30 PM - What the Rebbe Taught Me with Rabbi Yisroel Lein

7:45 PM - Torah Lessons in Depth with Rabbi Avremel Matusof

8:00 PM - Patterns in Time - Around the Jewish Year with Rabbi Michoel Feinstein


12:00 PM - Torah and Tea for Women with Mrs. Hudi Rapoport

12:00 PM - Inlook Outlook with Rabbi Mendel Shmotkin

7:00 PM - Weekly Parsha with Rabbi Yona Matusof

7:00 PM - A Tale of Two Souls with Mrs. Esty Feinstein

7:15 PM - Days to Celebrate with Rabbi Dov Lisker

7:30 PM - Onward & Upward: Personal Growth and Positive Leadership with Mrs. Mushka Lein

7:30 PM - Living with Integrity with Rabbi Cheski Edelman

8:00 PM on Tuesday, August 18th - Rosh Chodesh Class ~ Elul Edition 



8:15 AM - Tanya with Rabbi Mendel Shmotkin

8:15 AM - Tanya for Women with Rabbi Moshe Rapoport

12:30 PM - On the Essence of Chassidus with Tzali Wilschanski 

1:00 PM - Parsha for Women with Mrs. Faigy Matusof

5:00 PM - Pearls of the Parsha with Rabbi Michoel Feinstein

6:00 PM - Judaism at Home with Rabbi Tzali Wilschanski

6:30 PM - Pirkei Avot with Rabbi Yona Matusof

6:45 PM - Practical Lessons in Judaism with Rabbi Mendy Mann

7:00 PM - Cultivating Character JLI with Rabbi Levi Brook

7:00 PM - Parsha Insights with Rabbi Dovid Rapoport

7:15 PM - Tanya with Rabbi Cheski Edelman

7:30 PM - To Be a Jew in the Modern World with Rabbi Yisroel Lein


7:00 PM - Pearls of the Parsha with Rabbi Michoel Feinstein

7:30 PM - The Jewish Law Lab with Rabbi Dov Lisker

7:30 PM - Practical Judaism with Rabbi Avremi Schapiro Register now, only 30 spots open!

8:15 PM - Text-Based Sicha with Rabbi Moshe Rapoport


11:00 AM - Pirkei Avot for Women with Mrs. Dinie Rapoport

5:00 PM - CLTC Pre-Shabbos Gathering with Rabbi Mendel Shmotkin